An embedded system is a combination of computer hardware and software designed for a specific function. Embedded systems may also function within a larger system. The systems can be programmable or have a fixed functionality. Industrial machines, consumer electronics, agricultural and processing industry devices, automobiles, medical equipment, cameras, digital watches, household appliances, airplanes, vending machines and toys, as well as mobile devices, are possible locations for an embedded system.

Embedded Engineering: 9 Main Concepts About Embedded Systems | Tessolve Types  of embedded systems

There are a few basic embedded system types, which differ in their functional requirements. They are:

  • Mobile embedded systemsare small-sized systems that are designed to be portable. Digital cameras are an example of this.
  • Networked embedded systemsare connected to a network to provide output to other systems. Examples include home security systems and point of sale (POS) systems.
  • Standalone embedded systemsare not reliant on a host system. Like any embedded system, they perform a specialized task. However, they do not necessarily belong to a host system, unlike other embedded systems. A calculator or MP3 player is an example of this.
  • Real-time embedded systemsgive the required output in a defined time interval. They are often used in medical, industrial and military sectors because they are responsible for time-critical tasks. A traffic control system is an example of this.

Embedded systems can also be categorized by their performance requirements:

  • Small-scale embedded systemsoften use no more than an 8-bit microcontroller.
  • Medium-scale embedded systemsuse a larger microcontroller (16-32 bit) and often link microcontrollers together.
  • Sophisticated-scale embedded systemsoften use several algorithms that result in software and hardware complexities and may require more complex software, a configurable processor and/or a programmable logic array.

There are several common embedded system software architectures, which become necessary as embedded systems grow and become more complex in scale. These include:

  • Simple control loopscall subroutines, which manage a specific part of the hardware or embedded programming.
  • Interrupt controlled systemshave two loops: a main one and a secondary one. Interruptions in the loops trigger tasks.
  • Cooperative multitaskingis essentially a simple control loop located in an application programming interface (API).
  • Pre-emptive multitasking or multithreadingis often used with an RTOS and features synchronization and task switching strategies.

Very large-scale integration, or VLSI, is a term that describes the complexity of an integrated circuit (IC). VLSI is the process of embedding hundreds of thousands of transistors into a chip, whereas LSI (large-scale integration) microchips contain thousands of transistors, MSI (medium-scale integration) contains hundreds of transistors, and SSI (small-scale integration) contains tens of transistors. ULSI, or ultra-large-scale integration, refers to placing millions of transistors on a chip.

VLSI circuits are common features of embedded systems. Many ICs in embedded systems are VLSIs, and the use of the VLSI acronym has largely fallen out of favor.

Debugging embedded systems

One area where embedded systems part ways with the operating systems and development environments of other larger-scale computers is in the area of debugging. Usually, developers working with desktop computer environments have systems that can run both the code being developed and separate debugger applications that can monitor the embedded system programmers generally cannot, however.

History of embedded systems

Embedded systems date back to the 1960s. Charles Stark Draper developed an integrated circuit in 1961 to reduce the size and weight of the Apollo Guidance Computer, the digital system installed on the Apollo Command Module and Lunar Module. The first computer to use ICs, it helped astronauts collect real-time flight data.

In 1965, Autonetics, now a part of Boeing, developed the D-17B, the computer used in the Minuteman I missile guidance system. It is widely recognized as the first mass-produced embedded system. When the Minuteman II went into production in 1966, the D-17B was replaced with the NS-17 missile guidance system, known for its high-volume use of integrated circuits. In 1968, the first embedded system for a vehicle was released; the Volkswagen 1600 used a microprocessor to control its electronic fuel injection system.

By the late 1960s and early 1970s, the price of integrated circuits dropped and usage surged. The first microcontroller was developed by Texas Instruments in 1971. The TMS1000 series, which became commercially available in 1974, contained a 4-bit processor, read-only memory (ROM) and random-access memory (RAM), and it cost around $2 apiece in bulk orders.

Also, in 1971, Intel released what is widely recognized as the first commercially available processor, the 4004. The 4-bit microprocessor was designed for use in calculators and small electronics, though it required eternal memory and support chips. The 8-bit Intel 8008, released in 1972, had 16 KB of memory; the Intel 8080 followed in 1974 with 64 KB of memory. The 8080’s successor, the x86 series, was released in 1978 and is still largely in use today.

In 1987, the first embedded operating system, the real-time VxWorks, was released by Wind River, followed by Microsoft’s Windows Embedded CE in 1996. By the late 1990s, the first embedded Linux products began to appear. Today, Linux is used in almost all embedded devices.

Embedded system trends

While some embedded systems can be relatively simple, they are becoming more complex, and more and more of them are now able to either supplant human decision-making or offer capabilities beyond what a human could provide. For instance, some aviation systems, including those used in drones, are able to integrate sensor data and act upon that information faster than a human could, permitting new kinds of operating features.

The embedded system is expected to continue growing rapidly, driven in large part by the internet of things. Expanding IoT applications, such as wearables, drones, smart homes, smart buildings, video surveillance, 3D printers and smart transportation, are expected to fuel embedded system growth.

About Embedded System

An embedded system is also termed an integrated system. It is a computer system designed by an embedded engineer to facilitate special functions, and its parts are mounted together onto a motherboard. A microcontroller or a microprocessor that consists of input and output interfaces and a small memory carries out the system’s central processing.


The programming language of the microprocessor or microcontroller, such as C, C++, Linux, and C#, can be used directly to program the systems. Real-time computing tasks can be carried out by designing embedded systems. Specific use cases can be achieved using  combination based on various SoCs, i.e., NXP, Qualcomm, TI, Renesas, etc., dedicated to developing and designing prototypes and applications with embedded systems.

Let us dive into detail about the concepts related to designing embedded systems.

What Is a Microprocessor Unit?

The processor initially consisted of separate components interlinked together through buses. For instance, the oscillator and the registers that signal the clock are all individual components. With the development in integration and technology, the various parts were coming together within the same circuit. Therefore, the earlier processor used to have multiple interconnected integrated circuits, and eventually, all the components came to be incorporated within a single circuit, known as a microprocessor.

The microprocessor is a part of the central processing unit (CPU). The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is present within the microprocessor and performs all the mathematical operations. The registers save the data for the moment, and the control unit harmonizes the working of the rest of the parts, that is, a ROM memory in which instructions are stored and other components.

Microprocessors are not used individually but are integrated with other systems for a particular function.

What Is a Microcontroller Unit?

A microcontroller is a computer with limited functionality. They have a simple design with low speed and are small. Computers have a processor and RAM. A microcontroller is an individual chip in which RAM, ROM, processor, and other components are mounted together to aid programmers. DAC and ADC converters are placed together in different formats.

Therefore, they are not designed to manage an extensive software infrastructure. Most of the time, microcontrollers are directly programmed despite an embedded operating system. Because of this finite capability, a wide array of microcontrollers is established by different elements based on their use. The versatility allows you to choose the microcontroller that suits the project’s requirement and is the primary reason they are so favored in embedded systems.

About Development Kit

A development kit is a hardware component that aids in programming and testing another hardware element, such as a microcontroller, FPGA, or microprocessor. Usually, they are boards with the element in question that you would like to use along with different additional elements that simplify prototyping and programming.

The primary purpose is to help engineers learn, who later need to work with microcontrollers and microprocessors.

Denvelopment kits are good platforms based on various MCUs, MPUs/SoCs, and FPGA, which can help set up a development environment quickly and get started directly on application development

At Melvo Engineering Technologies Ltd  weallow Customers to start  using their software  immediately  as soon as we are   done with the installation and  ready to use a platform based on well know processors from NXP, Qualcomm, Mediatek, Texas Instruments, and Renesas with Linux/Android OS/RTOS support and can be used for learning and developing POCs for application development for use-cases:

  • Industrial
  • Avionics
  • Automotive

About FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays)

The reconfigurable hardware development obtained one of the most significant advantages, namely FPGA. Testing and designing hardware components are a hectic and time-consuming process that involves a lot of costs. There was no way of confirming that it worked until printing a design on a plate, and the printing process required time and money.
FPGAs are the solution to this problem. They are hardware parts interlinked with each other in a configurable manner, allowing you to select the parts you need and link them without printing them on the hardware. Embedded engineers need to use a particular language for the design, namely Hardware Description Language (HDL). An implement offered by the producer of the FPGA transforms that language into closed or open connections in the internal parts of the FPGA. The hardware circuit would remain the same and would perform the same function as it had been printed.

It made the building and designing process more convenient and allowed every design modification to be examined quickly. FPGAs were previously used for designing and prototyping but not as a finished product, whereas now, some FPGAs are being incorporated into the final product.

What Is SoC?

SoC stands for system on a chip and consists of a set of components that were initially separate but have been later integrated into a single chip. A CPU can form SoCs and FPGAs or ESP32, a microcontroller SoC. It is a broad term that incorporates any technology fused within a single chip or board.

What Is DSP?

DSP stands for digital signal processor and is used to deal with digital signals. It has widespread usage in treating video, audio, and telecommunications, and most of the technology we use regularly contains DSPs.

What Are Real-Time Systems?

Real-time systems can maintain exact time measurements that can be utilized in situations where the reaction time is crucial. The validity of results relies on whether the stipulated time limit has been met. All modern cars have control systems that are based on real-time systems.

Designing embedded systems is significant as they play an essential role in our daily lives. All technical devices require embedded systems to function correctly and provide limitless opportunities for every sector. Melvo Engineering Technologies ltd has expert embedded engineers who build designs that enhance the efficiency of the embedded systems. For better assistance from our experienced engineers, email us today at

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Door Supervision

  At Melvo Engineering Technologies Ltd, we provide door supervision services in Africa for businesses and events. Our door supervisors are highly trained, licensed professionals with a wealth of experience in dealing with a wide range of situations. Our door supervisors are equipped with the latest in security equipment and can be relied upon to maintain a safe and secure environment. We understand that the security of your premises and the safety of your customers is of the utmost importance.


Our door supervision services is made up of trained personnel ready to handle all kinds of security situations, from preventing unauthorized entry to dealing with any potential threats or disturbances. Our door supervisors can also be used to manage queues and maintain order in busy areas. We can provide a tailored solution to meet your individual needs, whether it’s for a one-off event or for ongoing security.


And we take our responsibility to provide a high standard of door supervision very seriously. Our team is fully trained and licensed and follows the latest industry regulations. We take pride in our commitment to delivering excellent customer service and in providing a fast, reliable service. Besides, we maintain our professionalism with clients and prefer to get regular updates.

If you’d like to find out more about our door supervision services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d be happy to discuss your security needs and provide a tailored solution that meets your requirements.